04-17-2012 |
Almost finished up the rear brakes today. Got the rear proportioning valve and residual valve installed in the rear lines. All that's left is the flexible hose from the frame to the rear end and the rear brake hoses, which should be in the mail hopefully.
April helped me bend the rear brake line that goes on the axle. I decided to go ahead and replace the one that was there because it's almost 14 years old and since all the other lines are new there's no need to have an old line in the system.
It took a while, but turned out pretty good. Not too bad if we don't say so ourselves.
Of course I forgot to put a pipe nut on the end of one side and had to redo the flange.
And there it is installed.
All that's left now is connected these three lines together. Pretty simple stuff.
I went ahead and mounted the gas tank. That will give me a good solid way to work on the tank and install the pump when I have to drill the hole in it. I have no earthly idea where the original trunk straps went. I have searched everywhere for them. I ordered new ones but they didn't come with the T-bolt. I couldn't find one anywhere in town so I went to the hardware store. I know the guy that owns it, which is fortunate because they didn't have any for sale either but in the back of the store he had some in an old box he had used for a project so he just gave them to me. I'll have to cut off the extra length, but I think they'll work fine.
The Ford Explorer rear sway bar interferes with the gas tank so for the moment I've tried taking it off and flipping it upside down to see if there might be a way I can mount it that way. I'll have to make some mounts that might be able to go onto the spring mount crossmember. Here is how it originally mounted
Here's after flipping it