02-20-2012 |
Finally we got April's old engine stored away today. No pictures unfortunately and it was a pain. We had to get the tractor going again, which meant jumping it off while also attaching a battery charger at the same time and we also had to fill it up with diesel. We had to move my '31 out of the way and attach the hay fork to the tractor. There is an old motorcycle trailer with flat tires in the barn in a small area off to the left. That trailer has two engines for a '31 Chevrolet on it. We had to move both of those engines after hooking chains to them. Then we had to go get my Blazer and hook another trailer up to it so we could haul my engine lift over to the barn. The problem is that the tractor can't get over into the corner of the room because it is right next to the door, so we had to sit the engines down in the barn and use the engine lift to put them in the corner where they go or on the trailer where they go, that is of course after sweeping the floor so the engine lift would roll. We finally got it all into place and everything put back and I'm glad to have that all done.