Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Just Scraping By: Interior and Trunk Removal


I finished the final measurements and hope I have the hole mounted correctly that all the other measurements will be based off of to get the rear end lined correctly. After getting this measurement I was able to get the rear fenders off and then get the upper shock mount placement laid out. This shock mount can rub the floor if it's not positioned correctly so I got it placed and drew an outline of where to mount it. It will be much easier to complete the installation after the body is off. The directions warned that the floorpans have a tendency to sag and could cause complications when installing the upper shock mount. Fortunately because this is such an original, solid car there was no sagging.

Then I was able to clean the trunk out. There were all kinds of different things in the trunk including two different jacks, spare tire, ice scraper, a seemingly infinite number of old bolts and washers, a million and a half pieces of papers that claim that if the other driver in a wreck will admit to fault have them sign on this line and quite a few other things. There were two pieces of wood that formed a shelf in the rear. There were a lot of screws holding this together. They were wedged in there so tightly it was really difficult for me to get them out.

It looks like the mice had the mouse version of the Taj Mahal constructed in the trunk. I guess their bed above the headliner was their summer home.

And then the scraping began. I'm really fortunate to have found such solid floorboards

I've gotten two garbage bags full so far

The interior was also full of upholstery nails, too.