Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Bare Metal and Rain Do Not A Good Week Make

I am still working on finishing up my second door.  Rain and interruptions in general have slowed progress all week.  It seems each time I finally have the freedom to really get to work the weather does not cooperate.  It's the time of year for cold weather and constant rain, so I guess that is to be expected, but when you have to work outside it can be a slow process.  Also, I have had to contend with trying to get The Caprice and The Blazer through the government scam known as emission testing.  I have a guy that was supposed to look at The Caprice last weekend but he said he can't get to it until midweek.  I'm going to have another guy look at The Blazer.  No matter what I do it still barely fails.  I've been through 4 times now and they continue to get my money as I roll the dice to see if I'll pass yet again.

I haven't been able to get many pictures because I have had to quickly rush everything back into the barn as quick rains pop up.  Today, for example, a quick rain came up while I was getting lunch and caused flash rusting on the top of the door I was working on so I had to go back and sandblast it again to remove it.  Even though the flash rusting comes off very easy it's still a pain to have to deal with.  I finished sand blasting the front and back of the driver door and finished up smoothing out a couple of very small dents in it.  Today I finished sand blasting the passenger door and noticed a very, very small but somewhat long dent in it today.  It wasn't very deep at all, but was very long and the concave portion extended about 1.5 to 2 inches tall.  It was practically unnoticeable by feel unless you really concentrated on it.  It was so small I really had to take careful consideration to see if it truly was a dent or not.  After determining there was a small indention I decided to go ahead and fix it.  Unfortunately I ran out of daylight and the bondo was taking too long to dry in the colder weather so I'm going to let it sit over night and get to it first thing in the morning.  After I finish it up I hope to load up the doors and take them up to the body shop to be primered.    

Here's the driver side door, finished for now.  When I get to the body shop I'll probably go over it once more by hand with 180 grit just to finish out any small scuffs that might have been picked up during transport.